2018年3月14日 星期三

楞嚴経与生活”之二 | “我”是什么?“我”在哪里?

楞嚴経与生活”之二 | “我”是什么?“我”在哪里? 

Sitanshu Kumar
作者:Sitanshu Kumar

Sitanshu Kumar来自印度,他写了一个对《大佛顶首楞严经》的注解。以下是开头部分(后续具体解释经文的部分待写成)的一些注解,以英汉对照的形式在这里发布。


Where Am I ?
Occasionally, while daydreaming, somebody will jolt us by asking, “Where are you? Be present”. Our mind has a tendency (Vritti in Sanskrit) to float in the realm of past and future projections, seeking rewards in purely mental states.

Is there a deeper shaking that we require in order to wake up from a more profound day dreaming state? This state exists in the sub-stratum consciousness, (Citta in Sanskrit) and the object of meditation is its negation. In this section we will take the help of our logical faculty to deliver it a good shock.

“I think therefore I am”, says a philosopher. When we say “I think” are we not assuming the “I”? Isn't this argument circular? I think it worth our time to investigate the hallowed “I”? Although many questions c  an be raised when we investigate the nature of the “I”, we will concentrate on a few simple issues.

The idea is not to entangle the readers mind in obtuse inquiry, but to enable him to shed the weight of the self, sharpen the mind and lead him to the light of “non I”. The process of opening and resolution of these questions can have a profound and subtle shift on the state of mind of individuals. Here are the questions we engage:

Does the “I” have a substance
Does the “I” have a locality

The society is built around certain assumptions, and the constructive penetration of such assumptions, even by a few human beings, has a profound effect on the whole society (if the society is considered “stream consciousnesses”, even a single separated drop effects the course of the stream).

The mind (“I”) which discerns the three dimensional world around us, orders it by dividing it in separate objects, locating them spatially. The mind also orders events in an individual's life temporarily. We all are quite accustomed to these ideas. If a child is asked where are you, it will point to the physical body. If it is asked where are your senses, it can point to sense organs. As a simple logical proof, we can say that if we shut our eyes we are unable to see, and so we can conclude that the sense of seeing resides in the eyes.

Is there an easy way to conclude the locality of the mind? In the following we will see how the Buddha refutes all the attempts made by Ananda to pin down the locality of the mind.

A conversation has erupted between the two of them after Ananda, giving in to carnal desires, attempts to visit a prostitute. The Buddha, using some super-natural methods has been able to deter him. The Buddha quizzes Ananda as to why he has joined the order of monks. Ananda reply is that using his intelligent mind he deduced that joining the order is most beneficial to him. Upon hearing that, the Buddha asks him if Ananda can locate his mind. I give an abridged (within the scope of the article) version of the exchange.



Ananda(阿难,下以A指代): Revered Sir, the knowing mind is inside the body. Through the openings of the eyes the mind can see what lies outside the body.

Buddha(佛陀,下以B指代): Ananda, if that is so why can the mind not see what is inside the body? A person sitting inside a room with an open window can see both inside and outside.

In hindsight, I would say that Ananda gave up a little to easily, but we can take the argument further and see that we cannot hold it.

A: Revered Shasta, then it must be that my knowing mind is outside my body.

B: Ananda, if the knowing mind is outside the body then the two are separate. If the mind knows something, the body should not feel it and when the body feels something the mind should not be aware of it. Your contention that the mind is outside the body seems quite groundless.

A: Revered Shasta, since the above two explanations are incorrect, the mind must be hidden in my senses. Just as even if a piece of crystal glass is placed on the eyes, yet the eyes can see, so the knowing mind is hidden in the sense organs.

B: Dear Ananda, can you not see the glass placed on your eyes? So the knowing mind should be able to see the eyes. But since you do not, this argument does not hold much water.

A: Revered Shasta, let me try another possibility. When the mind is united with the external, the sensation of seeing is produced, which is neither inside nor outside the body nor in-between.

B: Ananda, either the mind has a substance or none. If it has no substance how can it unite with the external, which is substance? (There is a logical difficulty here. Similar difficulties are found in modern physics. To site an example, the famous “wave particle duality”, where an object is both a wave and a particle simultaneously). If it is a substance, then either it is outside the body, or inside, but by the previous arguments that does not hold good.

A: Revered Shasta, it is the eyes that see and the mind that knows, the mind does not see.

B: Ananda, if the eyes alone were able to see, then a dead person should be able to see. Is the mind a substance? If it is a substance, is it one or many? If it is one, when you grab your hand, you should feel all four limbs are being grabbed. So it cannot be one. (Of course it cannot be many, otherwise everyone would have multiple personality disorder.)

For the sake of not burdening thereader, I am omitting the more intricate details of the argument. You can amuse yourself by inventing a possible argument for a specific location of the mind and then contradicting it. The message is starkly simple, the most famous “I” cannot be located. The center of our consciousness, around which we build our dreams, project our aspirations, expend our energy, is simply missing in physical space, or at least cannot be located by human intellect (the same intellect which has landed us on the moon, split atom, and helped us peer to the ends of the physical universe).


Though I see the shadows
I could not find the real
As it is not inside, outside or in-between
neither does it arise and disappear
Where does my egotism lie?
Letme dispel the reaction of hurts
the promise of pleasures
feel the subtle yet expansive
joy of non-ego


A good relationship has the quality of newness. Since egotism is a leftover of time, it diminishes the quality of our interactions. Instead of gaining energy from beautiful human endeavors, we lose it through egotistical frictions. It sustains perceived past hurts and colors verbal and non-verbal communication. By focusing on the arguments that the knowing mind cannot be found (and so the ego), the illusion of the ego is loosened. As most illusion is a trap of energy, the meditater can feel a fresh rush of subtle energy and joy envelope him.


Sitanshu Kumar出生于古城贝纳拉斯,印度恒河沿岸的精神之都。五岁起进入附近的克里希那穆提学校学习了十年,后来在印度首都新德里学习电气工程。他毕业于加州洛杉矶的物理和电气工程专业,目前居住在加州硅谷。

