2018年3月14日 星期三

楞嚴経生活”之一 | 阿赖耶和古老的习惯

楞嚴経生活”之一 | 阿赖耶和古老的习惯 

作者:Sitanshu Kumar



From the Buddhist Gatha:

Old Habits flow like torrents in
Alaya's subtle consciousness
Since the real yet unreal can create confusion
I have refrained from revealing it to you

“Old habits”
To some degree we are aware of our superficial habits,for example, reaching out unconsciously for a cookie jar when we do not have a slightest bit of hunger. Habits are always associated with a degree of non-awareness (if you are fully aware, does any action become habitual), where energies fueling thought are significantly narrowed, where next thought is immediately follows the previous one. In this case action is physical, which may be related to a disturbed state of bodily balance (slight hormonal abnormalities).
在一定程度上我们知道自己表层的习惯,比如说,在没有一点饥饿感的时候,我们会无意识的把手伸向饼干盒。习惯总是与一定程度的不觉知相联系的(如果你是充分觉知的,你会有任何行为变成习惯  性的吗),此时充满能量的思想在很大程度上变得狭窄,此时一个思想马上被下一个思想追随。在这种情况下行为是生理性的,这可以与某种被讨扰乱的身体状态相联系(轻微的荷尔蒙异常)。

The Buddha is obviously not referring to physical habits, but rather to habits in the sphere of the (human? Do animals have habits? Or do they only have habits?) mind. To give an example, some people have a habit of interrupting others in a conversation. What is it which prompts someone to interrupt a conversation? Here is one likely explanation: As one is listening to another there arises a counter (or sympathetic or unrelated, the point being there is a background process) thought. As each thought build its own momentum (excitation of the mind/nerve system), when a certain barrier is breached, the conversation gets interrupted. This habit of having more than one thought streams or thought contexts ( if you have noticed when there is only one thought context, the mind reaches a kind of stillness, in which the realization of time is diminished. It seems that rapid fluctuation of thought gives riseto perceptible time) is quite pervasive across humanity. Since it is so pervasive, it cannot be but ancient (working its way through our minds for thousands of years), it can be termed “old habit” in the sense the Buddha describes above. Since it cuts across the divides of humanity, there is a trans-personal aspect to it (all fundamental habits seem, with some variations, common to humankind and therefore trans-personal).



The “Alaya” (meaning home) is where these habits reside, where each individual contribution flows in. One experiment conducted on some monkeys may be illustrative. A homogeneous group monkeys was divided, one group was placed on an island and the other kept on the mainland. The group on the island was taught some new hunting techniques. After some time, it was observed that the group on the mainland started to hunt in a similar fashion. Although, this only provides an indirect evidence of “Alaya” of habits, it does point towards the unity in consciousness. The emphasis in human life should be to step away from the stream consciousness of habits, or put it differently negating the “Alaya” of habits.

“Since the real yet unreal” 
Now this gets a little harder. Perhaps an example will illustrate the point. Is thought real or unreal? Consider the process of day dreaming. Dreaming is real in thesense that we can (mind, the sixth sense) perceive it ( if it was totally non-perceivable we could not talk about it) but it is unreal in another sense, since none of the events “really” happen. All that transpires is a series of images in the brain, with the associated chemical activities, which create a feeling somewhat equivalent to what may happen in life. It is a movement of images, or imagination filled with desire. Contrast it to somebody pinching you, when you feel real physical pain. All mental processes can be said to be real yet unreal since they are fleeting, they arise in conjunction with residues and leave a residue as they fade out. The Buddha says that we carry many such subtle habits, in the “Alaya” or the home (of habits), which are a hindrance to true awakening.




May I be aware today of habit prone thought
By fixing my gaze with unwavering attention
May this ancient energy be released
Cleaning the mind-heart complex

During morning meditation, try to fix your mind on a particular thought context which has been with you recently. An example would be to a particular anxiety or resistance that you have recently developed. Notice, without trying to get rid of it, how much of your mental being it has gripped, and how it is interfering with your normal activity. Then thinking of it as sacred energy, slowly release it. Think of all negativity in a like minded fashion, and release them. By doing this you will become more aware of the habit forming process that occurs in the mind.

Sitanshu Kumar出生于古城贝纳拉斯,印度恒河沿岸的精神之都。五岁起进入附近的克里希那穆提学校学习了十年,后来在印度首都新德里学习电气工程。他毕业于加州洛杉矶的物理和电气工程专业,目前居住在加州硅谷。

