楞嚴経之五 | 如何应对内心的受伤感?
作者:Sitanshu Kumar
Sitanshu Kumar来自印度,他写了一个对《大佛顶首楞严经》的注解。以下是开头部分(后续具体解释经文的部分尚未写成)的一些注解,这里以中英文对照的形式贴出。
(I wrote this after hearing John Mccain say 'I am hurt'.)
Watching the presidential debate, I heard one of the candidates say “I am hurt”. It is one of the very difficult feelings to resolve. If left by itself, the intensity of hurt seems to abate, but like a hidden thorn, it is ready to pop up any time. On the other hand, if we play with hurts without understanding the genesis, we run the risk of magnifying the problem and give rise to host of other disturbances.
It is almost physically possible to locate it, somewhere right around the heart. It may bring with it depression or rage, a burning sensation in the mind, an impulse to get even, as the hurt tries to purge itself of the toxic content. In the following section we will examine what goes behind the making of hurts and if it is possible to transform this gnawing feeling into something else.
What takes place inside our minds when we experience hurt? To illustrate this let us consider an example. Assume that I am leading a very virtuous life, I am honest and hardworking, never indulging in what is held taboo by the society. As I live, day by day, I do think about myself, compare my life to the ideals that I have held, make some adjustment either to positive or negative, and come to a conclusion that I am doing O.K, the image that I constructed for myself corresponds to reality I live.
I have a good friend whom I have known for years. He thinks very highly of me and the ideals that I hold dear. One day, without myexpectation, he comes charging, and accuses me of being a hypocrite, dishonest and self centered. I am in state of shock. As far as I know, I did hold up to the ideals I held dear. An instant after that, I feel hurt. The deep pain at the center of my heart arises. How can I understand this?
Over time, by repeated thinking, consciously or unconsciously I have made an image about myself by identifying with my ideology, lofty principles and notions of the right course of actions. With thought revolving around theses mental objects, there is a center building up in the psyche, which gives me a feeling of solidity. This solid center is constantly gaining momentum (taking up my energy), assigning itself various qualities like wisdom, goodness etc.一段时间以来,通过不断的思想,有意或无意的,我为自己制造了一个形象,将自己认同于自己的意识形态,高尚的原则,以及正确行动的概念。我的思想围绕着这些心理对象,在我的内心形成了一个中心,它给了我一种厚实的感觉。这个坚实的中心在不断获得力量(吸收我的能量),并给自己赋予各种品质,例如智慧,善良等等。
A couple of harsh sentences from an old friend act like a needle in a balloon causing the air inside gush out at a great speed. The sudden deflation of the balloon is the immense pain I feel, as my psychic energies try to re-distribute themselves. The shaken center wants to come down, to disintegrate, and my resistance to it is the pain, a revolt against the sudden emptiness.
Immediately following the pain is the justification and recrimination. My friend after all, harbored a secret jealousy towards me, he could not countenance my high ideals, he was always critical of me at my back. It is the fault of my judgment, but there is nothing wrong with me.
All this is an attempt by the center to re-inflate itself. This whole process may go onfor days, or months, sucking a large quantity of energy. Slowly it may taper off, as the mind gets entangled in other problems. The center is bruised, but still intact, and the next time it will be more careful.
What is the solution to this unfolding drama? Is it possible to be aware of the pain and the ensuing reverberations in the mind? The reverberations are an escape from the pain. Is it possible to be in direct contact with the searing pain? I think it is very difficult for most of us. Why? As a living species we instinctively try to deflate physical pain. At the psychological level, it is also part of what society teaches us. By avoiding pain once, it may make it doubly worse the next time.这个闹剧如何能被解决呢?我们是否有可能觉知到这个痛苦以及接下来的内心余波呢?那些余波是对痛苦的逃避。是否有可能与灼热的痛苦直接接触呢?我认为这对我们多数人来说是非常困难的。为什么呢?作为一个生物的物种,我们的本能是立即消除生理的痛苦。而在心理层面,这也是社会所教给我们的。但是一次对痛苦的回避,它会使得下一次两倍的糟糕。
Be aware of the pain and your reaction to it (pretty much everything that arises in your mind after the initial pain is a reaction). Be as neutral as possible, neither tilting towards the pain nor towards the escape. See all the tricks the mind is spinning into.
Because of the momentum in the sub-stratum, this can go on for a while. If not the pain, then try to experience the escape fully, noticing all the nuances, subtlety and swiftness of the mind. Also notice that how the mind is unable to pacify itself. In the end, it can give up because of sheer exhaustion, when it runs out of the fuel propelling it forward.
Step 2:充分去体验它
Once the mind has emptied itself of experiencing the escape, it may move back to the pain. This time on, try to experience the pain fully. It may last some days,may be more, try not to shake it off, but be with it. The remarkable thing is that pain is like a dragon which changes its form depending on how you perceive (approach) it. The closer you can get to the pain (the mind will try to distract you, closer here means lesser distraction) the better the chances are for it to get resolved sooner.
As I have remarked earlier, there is a great resistance to pain. In the case of physical pain, it is somewhat understandable, all living creatures have it. If you have noticed, children recover from psychological hurts much more quickly. Adults, since they analyze, dissect, plan and brood over the pain, show much less flexibility in dealing with it.
The root cause of hurts is the mind getting conditioned to making images, and doing it with remarkable efficiency. In fact, a lot of our interaction with people happens through images, as if we are wearing colored glasses which is filtering everything coming in. Our experience of hurts adds to this filter that we carry, strengthening, expanding and making it more sensitive.伤害的根源,是因为心习惯于制造形象,而且对此极为擅长。事实上,我们与他人的许多互动都是通过形象完成的,仿佛我们是戴着有色眼镜,过滤我们所看到的一切。我们受伤的经验进一步加在这个过滤镜上,加强它,扩大它,使它更为敏感。
Since there is no pill we can take to get rid of this pain, we may as well work through it.因为世界上没有灵丹妙药能让我们去掉这个痛苦,我们还不如充分去体验它。
May all be protected
from a wounded heart
may the ensuing flames of
anger, revenge and numbness
be transformed into
all embracing love
mother divine
show us your benevolent form
beings suffering from hurt
how can they become
vehicles of peace?
let my hurt transform into
strength to embrace
all creation
from a wounded heart
may the ensuing flames of
anger, revenge and numbness
be transformed into
all embracing love
mother divine
show us your benevolent form
beings suffering from hurt
how can they become
vehicles of peace?
let my hurt transform into
strength to embrace
all creation